Today I need to make dicisions again, I just known that the Decision Support System from the MIS System are very useful. Knowlegde is power, Information is the knowledge. Much information more knowledege…. more power….
When I was so confuse with my life someone reminded me to use the “7 habits of the highly Effective People” Author by Stephen Covey I try to recovered what I have readed one year ago. Hope that help
Today I have read the Business 2.0 news.
I found a very interesting topic How to Succeed in 2007 They have asked 50 CEO, Co-founder of the business 2.0 with that question How to Succeed in 2007?
So this is the one I like…..
PS. Thank you everyone who read this blog I was thinking nobody will come to join this blog…
So If you come here please leave comments as you like.
source: How to Succeed in 2007
Stephen Covey
Vice Chairman, FranklinCovey; Author, The 7 habits of Highly Effective People
Strive for Moral AuthorityMost people define greatness through wealth and popularity and position in the corner office. But what I call everyday greatness comes from character and contribution. Sometimes people who possess the wealth and prestige also have everyday greatness, but not that often in our celebrity-obsessed culture, because they are primarily focused on what’s in it for me. I’m in favor of achievements – degrees and wealth and that sort of thing. Still, those achievements convey formal authority but not always moral authority. The only way to acquire moral authority is through your character and contribution, to live in such a way as to merit the confidence and the trust of other people. Moral authority is especially important to business. This is because in order to reduce costs, increase production, and nurture a culture of innovation – all of which are important criteria in today’s global economy – you’ve got to have high trust among your workers and partners. Why? Because everyone involved needs to sacrifice. If you don’t have high trust, none of those things will happen. You can’t fake high trust.
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